Possibilities of employment increases as the interference of the computer enter in our life. Computer education is beneficial when any course of computer is done by the recognized institution or university. Indian Government also gives the slogan “Information Technology for all upto 2008". For Development and extension of this programme 22 Lac Information Technology Experts requires within next five to six years. Other then I.T. field Ancillary Units and Industries requires demand of more then 10 Lac employee.
The help of internet whole world is in our computer screen. Due to which we can take any of information within few seconds through computer. It is learning organization and is always willing to invent, innovate and renovate itself with the changing times. In continuation of it’s education service to the nation, the BRIGHT COMPUTER society has become a pioneer in providing the best IT education & training in collaboration with state and Govt. of India. Our the prime goal of providing quality IT education to its Students and the meeting the need for skilled IT Professionals in the country.
Our Institution has been decided to provide the Computer Education by the help of State & Indian Government planning & Programmes announces time to time in nominal charge for every person of our lower and middle class of society.
I wish and try to success the dream of computer education in all India.
With best regards
(Sunil Malav) |